Take Time To Make Your Soul Happy

Hello, my loves! How are you all doing? I missed you a lot!

Before I start, I want to know how many of you believe in a concept of communicating with the soul? Or have you ever heard silence around you when you are alone? Have you ever been to some cafes alone? If not, then you have never experienced the inner peace or never heard your soul (breath). Sit in a quiet corner of a noisy restaurant, pretend that you're not the part of the world and engage yourself into the state of deep introspection and contemplation.

I regularly spend pockets of time alone in cafes, for lunch or a quiet cup of green tea or coffee, with a fashion magazine or simply engrossed in my own thoughts. It feels less cloistered, less monastic, than eating lunch in my office with the door shut, and yet there’s a sheer curtain of privacy between me and the rest of the world.

Peeps, you will only be happy if you know yourself because happiness is in our control, it is inside us and don't let an external force control your happiness.

Stay Tuned & Remember, I am here for you <3



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